Collective Worship

Each one of you has a special gift from God. Use it to serve other well.

1 Peter 4:10At WSE Collective Worship is a highly valued and set apart time in the school day and week, where the whole school community can gather together in a time that is honouring and worthy to God.

Worship at WSE is the 'heartbeat' of the school and our main expression of our vision and values as a school community and signals the life, energy, and Christian spirit of the school.

Worship is also a ‘time to breathe’; a time when all can come together to find a space, silence, and quietness to reflect on their own spirituality, values and place in the world. Just as breathing is vitally important to life, worship is a significant and sacred time in the life of the school; ensuring the time is valued to allow all to ‘breathe’ through worship and perosnal reflection.

Collective Worship plays a significant role in our wider curriculum that intends to provide students with opportunities to; explore and develop their own values, beliefs, and spiritual awareness; promote high standards of personal behaviour; a positive and caring attitude towards other people; an understanding of social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.

Collective Worship at Wyvern St Edmund’s is defined as a time when the whole school, or groups within the school, come together to consider and reflect on common concerns, issues and interests. Collective Worship at Wyvern St Edmund’s is invitational, inclusive and seeks to inspire, be relatable, affiramtional and at times tranformational. Our worship calendar includes marking key national and international days for example Remebrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day, celebrating Christian festivals and covering contemporary topics that impact our young people. 

Collective Worship is delivered by a range of staff and invited clergy on a weekly basis when as a year group students gather in a main hall for the act of worship. On days when students do not receive Collective Worship in this way, in tutor time space is given daily for an act of worship through reflection and the invitation for prayer within their tutor group.

We embrace the Church of England’s vision for education which is inclusive and serves the common good. Therefore, Collective Worship provides an opportunity to reflect on the key elements of the Church vision of Wisdom, Hope, Community and Dignity.

Collective Worship is central to Christian the ethos of Wyvern St Edmund’s and it is our aim to ensure it is a time when the school community can:

  • Share common aims and values
  • Celebrate achievement and special times
  • Explore together the world in which we live
  • Reinforce our community spirit
  • Worship God.

We also intend that Collective Worship contributes to the holistic development of the student by providing opportunities to:

  • Worship that which is considered meaningful with opportunities for spiritual encounters
  • Consider spiritual and moral issues
  • Explore their own beliefs
  • Develop their own spirituality
  • Reinforce positive attitudes
  • Participate and respond
  • Reflect on what it means to be human
  • Develop an empathy with different beliefs and experiences
  • Explore what life in all it's fullness means
  • Learn about the personhood of Jesus
  • Explore our core values and how they can guide us in our daily lives


For more information about Collective Worship at WSE, please contact Mrs C. Smith,
Deputy Headteacher:


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