Disneyland paris
Vimy ridge in France

Activities Week

Even with the most exciting classroom offer sometimes the happiest of memories from school are created in activities that take place outside the classroom.  As part of our mission to achieve true moments of awe and wonder for our students, we run an Activities Week in the summer term which enables students to have experiences that will stay with them for life. The aim of the week is to give our students the opportunity to try something different, have great fun, make new friends, do something they’ve never done before and discover something they didn’t know about themselves.

During Activities Week, we organise a wide range of activities including day trips and residential trips in the UK and abroad, so that students can experience something new or travel somewhere they have never been before. For those families where finances can often limit these types of experiences, we offer financial support so that ALL students can enjoy these experiences. There is also a broad range of activities in school with a strong focus on trying a new activity with new people. Whether you love sport, culture, creative arts, music, languages, literature or problem solving, there is something for you!

Activities Week 2024

Please see below the overview of meeting times and locations. This document also provides the name of the lead staff member for each activity, staff email addresses are available here. Further information is provided in the individual letters already issued to parents for residential trips. Letters for each day trip can be found below. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, please remember that they can collect a packed lunch from Avon Dining Hall on the morning of their trip. Pre-order information has been sent seperately. 

Students attending onsite activities may wear non-uniform and break/lunch arrangements will operate in the Avon Dining Hall.

Please be aware that travel arrangements for our overseas residential trips may be subject to late changes beyond our control. If this situation arises, we will keep you updated with any changes as they happen.  

Meeting Points and Times

Meeting Points Res & Friday

Meeting Points Monday

Meeting Points Tuesday

Parent Information Letters

Residential Trips

Final details letters coming soon!

Friday 19th July 2024








Monday 22nd July 2024



Tuesday 23rd July 2024




Previous Documents

Activities Week Brochure 2024

Printable Booking Form